Thursday, January 27, 2011

box 11...

..was full of surprises. this was a medium mixed box, so there should be either more of each product or a bigger range. given that the contents and number of each species differs each week, it's a little hard to tell whether a medium box is a good thing or a bad thing. don't get me wrong, the stuff is all top quality and looks awesome. but i can't work out how this compares to the small box because i don't know what was is in them this week. get it? poor experimental design.

anyway, to the contents: plums (!!), nectarines, bananas, avocado, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumber, beans, mushrooms, broccoli, onion, squash, fennel (!!), lettuce and sweetcorn (!!!). have a look for yourself...

looks good yeah? suggestions, especially for the squash are very welcome...


  1. experimental design is fine - i have the control group. small box = potatoes, lots of small onions, zucchinis, broccoli, mushrooms, corn, cos lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, nectarines, animal bananas. For me no plums, fennel or ufo squash...

  2. also no beans or avocado. Such is life for small boxers.

  3. thanks for saving the experiment, JP (which stands for jane partridge, clearly, as based on your icon)! for some reason i was expecting more from the medium box - like 15 bucks worth more...i don't know if that was there.

    expt is definitely worth repeating though. was corn the mystery vegetable? also, what are animal bananas?

