Friday, January 28, 2011

salsa del boxio

ethetheth eth eth eth ethe ethe ethethethetheth. that's spanish for 'salsa made from box ingredients'. so, there is corn, tomato, onion, cucumber and some non-box coriander and lime. it is delicioso. eth eth eth.

here is a picture...


1 comment:

  1. Thaltha! Yum...good idea and nice pic.

    Yes, corn was the mystery 'vegie'. But my first cob was tough and coincided badly with Rafa getting injured. I'm not risking the second cob while Ferrer is playing. Corn is such a lottery and tennis is connected with everything.

    As for box cooking, I also went a bit Spanishy and softened potato and onion slices in oil, then added grated zucchini and tomato for a vegan frittata. Replaced egg with a tofu mix including savoury yeast flakes, dijon mustard, dill (Michelle's home grown) and other flavours. Tomato slices on top and baked til firm. Was delicious - hot and then cold. Would make a nice boccadillo.

    Animal bananas = cavendish...though discerning animals prefer banunkies like me.

    Thanks for noticing my partridge!
