Saturday, May 14, 2011


...are probably the ultimate seasonal fruit (followed closely by nectarines and white peaches). monday was an incredibly grumpy day for me. no apparent reason, but it was best to take be removed from circulation. i left the LRO early and grabbed some lunch on the way home. i stopped by the local fruit and vege shop and picked up some things for dinner, and, some quinces.

it was a baking lead recovery. these happened to be the best batch i've made. they were roasted in slapdash sugar syrup with some lime juice, zest and vanilla for about 5 hours. the secret to success here was the use of a cartouche - a bit of baking paper over the top while cooking. it kept to quince bits cool (cool - really? maybe just leave them out of the oven if that is your goal...try covered) and allowed the syrup to reduce, just as maggie suggested it would.

here is a photo...

they became an even deeper red after cooling for a little bit. i ate some straight away with some honey and cinnamon yoghurt. delightful and uplifting on even the grumpiest of days. 


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